Well, I am an artist and a musician. I am known as Big Wayne but also as The Wiring Guru. I started a communications Contracting company while in College. I studied Music as a major and electronics as a minor. I grew up in a very creative environment. Growing up, music was always a part of my life, but it was never considered something to make a living from. In my family there are several inventors, artists and musicians! My father invented many things and held Patents on several innovative communications products that revolutionized the communications world we live in today! But unfortunately, he was ahead of his time and those ideas lead to others making millions. Dad was always working on something very interesting and always included us kids in the creation process. At a young age I took an interest in electronics. It started with the broken clocks and such that Dad would give me to take apart and discover the mystery and magic inside that made it "tick”, or was it “tock”. In the midst of the various projects and attempts to change the world, Dad encouraged me to be creative and to draw my ideas down before I tried to explain them to him. This helped me to visualize my thoughts and more easily communicate the ideas to others as well as free up some of his time!
By the time I was 14 years old I could install and arc a tracking 16 foot Satellite antenna. By the time I was 18 I was traveling across the country as a top level Microwave Antenna installer.
In the 6th grade Dad got me one of those Radio Shack Electronics Kits that were so popular back then. (Where did they all go?) And that was it! I spent numerous hours working on the different projects. When I entered the 7th grade there was electives you could choose, wow! Well, Electronics and Metal shop were on the list along with Jazz Band and orchestra. When I reached High school I was in the advanced levels of electronics and ended up becoming the teacher’s pet/assistant by my sophomore year. I started working on bigger projects like CO 2 Plasma cutting Laser's and Micro Bugging, ah.... listening devices. I even developed some electronic circuits that I sold to a few customers. I actually hired kids in the electronics class to help make my products that I sold on the weekends to local retail stores.
Photo Of Wayne Rinehart Sr and Son Wayne Rinehart Jr aka The Wiring Guru 1988 Pinole California.In this Photo we are working on a 16 foot TVRO Tracking Microwave Satellite Dish with both C-band and Ku-band LNB's. I was 18 years old in this photo my Senior year of High School. Those Sun Glasses were cool back then. LOL.
Bellow: 1991 Is a photo of Father and Son at a SBCA Trade show setting up a satellite antenna that looks like a rock. One of my fathers many inventions and Patients he held.
During my High School years I also started taking a bigger interest in music. I also took on a bigger role working with my father, his inventions and different endeavors. When I made it to college, I was in full time creative mode! I worked with my dad when I wasn't in school Learning carpentry, Pluming, Electrical, Welding and Fabricating. While in school I studied Electronic Engineering and I took every single music class offered! (Well almost) 98 units of music alone. As I worked with my Dad I became a part of what he was doing. He listened to my ideas and even incorporated the ideas into some of his designs. My Dad took me along to meetings around the country. My job was to set up the demonstrations of the various Microwave Antenna projects that we had built. We met with leading engineers at innovative corporations around the world. I sat across the table with engineers from companies like HUGHES Aerospace and even NASA. I even sat in on meetings where crooked Venture Capitalists tried to rip off the ideas. It was major "on the Job training" that I feel was priceless to my development as an adult and who I am today. Through those years we made it on the front cover of many magazines and newspapers. We were even featured on Beyond 2000, a show that was very popular on the Discovery Channel featuring innovations of the future. I had also made it into the paper a few times on my own as well. I had a communications business installing Satellite systems and I had the first DirecTV system on the West Coast. My show room was the only place you could view a broadcast show on cable TV, Satellite, and Off Air all at the same time. I was also a part of the launch team for The Dish Net (Dish Network), Direct TV and Prime Star.
Photos: top left:
1994, Wayne Rinehart working 56 stories on top of a building in high wind and very cold conditions. It was actually snowing. This was a custom made Foam and foil Microwave installation that required a hidden antenna do to Zoning laws! This antenna also included a custom foil Terrestrial Interference Shield built into the design of the antenna. It was flown in via air plane in pieces and Wayne was gluing the pieces together. This was a design my Father and I made of which he holds the patients on.
Top Right:
Install complete and ready for a planter box with trees and shrubs.
Bottom Left:
1995 Another install in Big Bear California National forest.
Bottom Right:
1996 Wayne Rinehart Jr at Satellite Business Communications Association trade show exhibiting an antenna cover and mount that looked like a living tree. This was the first design any one had ever seen of a microwave cover that looked like a tree. Unfortunately we lacked the funds to patient this and now you can see microwave Cellphone towers that are covered in the same manor that look like trees all along the interstate in upscale communities. We developed a Cellphone tower cover and the idea was copied and stolen! Lesson learned, get your patient pending before funding!
1996 saw us starting Overland Communications. I was taking my years of Low Voltage and telecommunications expertise and entering into the Communications race and boom of the early 90's. While still working with Microwave communications systems we added Fiber optics and Telephone Systems to the list. At the verge of the xDSL boom in 1999, I took on the challenge to learn Routers and DSL installation. I became a contractor for COVAD Communications becoming a DSL expert, adding to my resume. While at COVAD, I developed the reputation and nickname “The Wiring Guru”. By 2002 I had written many tech publications under the pseudonym Wiring Guru. I became known for training some of the best techs in the industry, teaching creative solutions and tech tips for the installer. Today Overland Communications Inc. is a successful communications contracting company that is known for some of the cleanest work in California. Often we are called upon to find a solution that many other companies were unable to find. I just love the challenge and being the ONE who was able to fix find or resolve the situation.
If you found me here, many of you will know me as something different. But hopefully to all as something good!
You may know me as an artist that works from many different media like metal, wood, clay, oil painting, and drawing digital art.
You may see me as a musician who is talented on the Trumpet and as a vocalist among other instruments. And is an endorsed artist on trumpet. I’ve been an artist that has performed with some success, but still trying to “Make It”, even though I am too old for American Idol and not pretty enough for MTV.
Others will know me as a creative solutions provider. A maverick wiring guru that comes into a telephone or IT closet that has had years of wiring issues and work simple magic! Converting a Chaotic mess into a beautiful wiring closet that any IT dept would be proud of!
Yes I am a man with many interests, and still adding to the list every day!
I am a man who may stick out in a very large crowd and I may be too large, but never lazy.
I am a father of four of the best kids anyone could ever pray for. I am the luckiest man in the world who is married (Happily) to his College sweetheart for more than 19 years. I consider myself blessed!
But hopefully all will know me as a Man of God who makes every attempt to have integrity. A man who cares truly about every thing I do and everyone I know! I am a Craftsman who cares about my workmanship and the quality of work we perform. I do my best to live up to the title given to me by my peers as the "Wiring Guru".
I have years, a "life time" invested learning, installing and designing just about ALL technology related to the Communications Field ie:
Audio, Video, wireless, Microwave, Fiber optic, Surveillance CCTV, Access, Control & Automation, Public Address, Paging, Alarm, Multimedia Projection, distribution, Sound and Stage, Recording, Home Theater, WiFi, Telecommunications, Computer/DATA network, DR(disaster and recovery) and NOC(network operations center) sites, Server rooms, Co-location rooms, Back haul, Broadcast, Telephone Systems, and Some OSP(outside plant). And still learning!