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Friday, August 6, 2010

Blog Post for August

Did you know that supplying your employees with ergonomical headsets to answer the phone can actually boost productivity and save you money at the same time!

 Studies have found that In 2000, 1.8 million workers in the United States reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and back injuries. MSDs accounted for 34% of all lost workday injuries and illnesses (nearly 600,000 cases annually), and $1 of every $3 spent for workers' compensation was for MSD related injuries (nearly $20 billion annually).

Also the costs associated with injuries are significant (workers' compensation insurance carrier for Carpal Tunnel injuries in particular and neck pain associated with Phone use). With the majority of the work force in administrative and customer service positions, ergonomic factors are an important concern. 
 One customer I know declined the request from an employee for a headset for use with telephone sales. About a year later the employee ended up on sick leave and eventually had to switch job functions as the individual could not handle the neck pain associated with long hours on the phone. Eventually this person ended up with neck issues similar to whiplash and needed an operation on her neck. Adding more sick time and loss of work!
Overland Communications caries a full line of head set products for both cellular Phones and Office workstations. WE are a distributor for Headworks a high quality and reasonably priced head set and base station with amplifier and or dial pad. Headworks is a very popular brand over seas for call centers. Overland Communications became an importer of Headworks products back in 2000 and has been very happy with the quality of workmanship and reliability. Overland is also a reseller for Jaraba, Blue Ant, Plantronics, Bluetooth, PhoneLabs, Parrot, Panasonic, and RCA.


 For elderly and visually and or hearing impaired people we have a great line of amplified phones with big buttons, large displays, and visual ringers that flash and or ring loud.
We also have Visual Flash ringers good for noisy environments! Give us a call and one of our sales Representatives can help you find the right solution for your needs!

Even the President needs a good phone and Headset! So don't leave the president of your business on the line with an old static and faulty phone!
Call the "Wiring Gurus" and let us help you clear up the noise.

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